Huntsville, Alabama


The end of Day 7 required a big push to drive as far as possible before stopping for the night.  I made reservations at a hotel in Huntsville: a lofty goal, considering I had started the day west of Little Rock.  After more than 420 miles of driving, I arrived in Huntsville: it was after sunset, and the rain was pouring.  I made several wrong turns, but finally — by sheer luck — ended up finding my hotel in downtown Huntsville.

The next morning was still a bit cloudy, but the rain was, for the most part, over.  Once again, I had a lot of ground to cover, so I didn’t spend any time seeing the sights in Huntsville — the only picture I took was this one, in downtown, of the lake across the street from the Holiday Inn.

If you have some extra time to devote to the Huntsville area, there’s plenty to see.  If you have to pick just one attraction, NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center is a safe bet.  It was the home of rocket scientists, even before NASA existed.  The rockets that carried man to the moon, and now lift the space shuttle into orbit, were designed here — and the next generation of space travel is already on the drawing boards at MSFC.  It’s also the home of Space Camp.  You won’t be able to miss the U.S. Space and Rocket Center along Interstate 565, with huge rockets on display.  It’s a beautiful sight at night.

Huntsville has several other museums, as well.  Check out the city’s website for more information.

For the drive out of Huntsville, head east on US 72.

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